((NOTE: This book is still a diet, but it does talk about following your hunger signals, so I'm reviewing it here -- you can choose whether/not you want to get it and read it)). ;)
I found this book online, the other day, while searching for books about healthy eating & the Mediterranean-style of eating. It just so happened that my local library had a copy (at my branch, nonetheless), so I went and picked it up, and started reading it right away. I didn’t intend to read the whole thing, but it was quick and really interesting!
This book has an absolutely fascinating concept as far as a weight loss plan goes… it has the SlimDown, which is two weeks of more strict adherence to get you off to a good start, and then the FlexPlan to loosen things up a bit while still maintaining control. But, the most interesting part was the “Prep & Practice” week you do before the SlimDown. It’s where you start planning what you’ll do in your SlimDown, and you practice some of the meals & exercises. Very cool!
Now, when I talk about “strict adherence” for the SlimDown part, please don’t misunderstand me… this seems different than other diet books I’ve read where you have to give up all sorts of different foods and/or categories of foods. For this, it’s more about adding in the “superfoods”, and making sure you follow the plan. It’s not difficult, nor does it seem like too much.
Some of the “superfoods” listed are: Oats, Blueberries, Soy, Turkey, Oranges, Tomatoes, Broccoli, and Spinach… and a whole slew of “sidekicks” (other foods that are good for you, that you should add into your new plan).
I also liked that you basically make up your own meal plans, based off the SuperFoods categories (there are 3 main ones), and you can pick and choose what works best for you for exercise.
This plan is very flexible, and has some great ideas! The book even promotes listening to your hunger cues, so that was a big plus for me! (I’m a big fan of that!).
While there are still some points of this book that I don’t really agree with, overall I really like the concept, and think it’s a good thing to try out, especially coming into a new year! (the “Prep & Practice” week could be the last week of the year, and then you start the SlimDown come January 1st!)
Recommended. Rated B+
Intuitive Eating is the way I've chosen to lose my excess weight. It's a slow process for me, but I keep coming back to that principle versus following a diet.
I'm interested to read more of what you have to say. I'll keep looking around on your blog. I'm glad to find people who also agree with this way of thinking, and I'm a born-again Christian as well.
Leah at www.leahs-new-ending.blogspot.com
I just discovered your blog and I love it! I too, am a Christian and I strive to have a proper perspective on health and eating. I have read "Intuitive Eating" and it helped me so much. Thanks for blogging!
That is really cool, intuitive eating to lose weight. I will look more into that and the super foods being incorporated into a diet seems like a good idea but some of the foods are hard to obtain like acai, not so much oats.
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